kimyuna is a south korean figure skater.
she is the olympic champion in ladies singles the world champion the four continents champion a three time grand prix final champion the world junior champion the junior grand prix final champion anda four time south korean national champion kim is the first south korean figure skater to win a medal atanisu junior or senior grand prix event isuchampionshipandtheolympicgamessheisthefirstfemaleskatertowintheolympicgamestheworldchampionshipsthefourcontinentschampionshipsandthegrandprixfinalsheisoneofthemosthighlyrecognizedathletesandmediafiguresinsouthkoreaasofaprilthisyearsheisrankedsecondintheworldbytheinternationalskatingunionsheisthecurrentrecordholderforladiesintheshortprogramthefreeskatingandthecombinedtotalundertheisujudgingsystemsheisalsothefirstfemaleskatertosurpassthetwohudreadpointmarkundertheisujudgingsystemshehasneverbeenplacedoffthepodiuminherentirecareer
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