My Environment

OS: Windows7 (win7)

Program: Docker (VirtualBox based)

Docker Image: Caffe2 0.8.1 ubuntu

I have had vim key mapping issue.

In detail, I press any arrow key, then I get "E349: No identifier under cursor" or "E388: couldn't find definition"

It is because of "term variable" that is embedded environment variable in VIM

using follow command in vim, you can get your value of term variable, 

:set term?

my value was "xterm", and it cause the issue

So I changed it, see below

:set term=cygwin

Finally the issue is solved, term=xterm or term=ansi, compatible(cp) or nocompatible(nocp) is not good solution for me

try above command

you can set it automatically

echo "set term=cygwin" >> /etc/vim/vimrc

In addition, if term's value is xterm, you can use "hjkl" instead of "arrow keys"

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